There is no surprise that a vacuum cleaner is a fixture in almost every household. It saves you significant time when tidying up and keeps your home free of microscopic allergens. Sure, brooms and dust pans can do a bit of dirty work, but they were never enough for holistic clean-up jobs.


It may have gone through slight changes over the years, but the value that vacuum cleaners add to any home or establishment largely stays the same. If we’re talking about robot vacuums, then it’s even better!


For one, the latest robot vacuum cleaners aren’t even just vacuums. They run with AI technology, advanced sensors, and have self-cleaning capabilities. Plus, they do hands-free mopping duties, too!


On the other hand, stick vacuums are not too shabby themselves. Their suction power has steadily increased, and cordless vacuum cleaners work like a charm for anyone who likes the extra power or leg work that comes with such variants.


As a result, the vacuum cleaner market is looking more dynamic than ever. Thus, presenting buyers with a positive dilemma: “Which vacuum cleaner is right for me?”


Are robot vacuum cleaners necessary or are they a passing trend? Is it smart to get a cordless vacuum when you can also get a robot vacuum for a premium price? If you’ve been wondering about this lately, then we’re here to help you weigh your options!


Click here to read about the queietest robot vacuums.

You can also read about robot mop and vacuums here.


Cordless Stick Vacuum


Cordless Stick Vacuums

Buying a home appliance is no small investment. Whether it’s a compact device or a centerpiece to your home set up, you would want something that fits like a glove.


Vacuum cleaners are no exceptions. Often, the right choice is the obvious one, like going for the latest model or the best reviewed product. But sometimes, a cordless vacuum cleaner can also make for a more sensible choice depending on your needs or preferences.


It wasn’t long ago when Dyson stopped producing traditional vacuums in favor of cordless models. But they’re not the only ones that saw battery as the future for cleaning hardware. This is evidenced by the bustling market for cordless vacuum cleaners today.


There are numerous reasons why buyers would rather have a regular vacuum than a robot vacuum cleaner. For one, the latter offers more control. The whole point of adding a robot vacuum to your home is to automate a task, but not everyone needs that.


It’s also not just a matter of preference. For example, heavily carpeted floors may require pressure or stability that a robot vacuum isn’t able to exert on its own. Stick vacuums are also more efficient cleaners. Not to mention that you’ll certainly do a better job clearing corners and navigating hard-to-reach places when it comes down to it.


SAMSUNG Jet Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner

Cordless Vacuum Pros:

Cordless Stick Vacuum is Faster Than a Robot Vacuum Cleaner

On top of being guided by your manual input, a regular vacuum is simply designed to clean faster. It’s in the hardware.


It’s also worth noting that while a robot vacuum cleaner is a “smart” navigator, it isn’t smart enough to clear or go around all obstacles. So, you’ll occasionally find yourself clearing surfaces to set up your device for a seamless vacuuming session.


It might not equate to the elbow-greasing required to operate a normal vacuum, but it’s something to consider. Because if you’ll be going around clearing hurdles, then you might as well just bring a cordless vacuum and clean everything as you go.


Cordless Vacuums are Cheaper

Let’s get this out of the way, shall we? Cordless vacuum cleaners are sometimes twice cheaper than a top-of-the-line robot vacuum—those that can hunt dirt and debris with great precision.


Therefore, if you are conscious about the budget more than the hands-free benefits that come with a robot vac, then a cordless vacuum cleaner is naturally the top prospect.


But of course, a cordless upright vacuum cleaner is more than just an affordable option. It’s also the practical choice for those who love routine and control. The challenge with traditional vacuum back then is mobility, which is no longer the case without outdated cords.


It’s not like there are no premium features from this side of the market either. Take the Samsung Bespoke Jet Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner for example, which sports a second battery that addresses a previous uptime issue in its ranks.


VAX ONEPWR Blade 4 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

Cordless Vacuum Cons:

Cordless Vacuum Cleaner Has Limited Runtime

Robot vacuums have self-charging capabilities, which is one of its most convenient features. You can just set a cleaning schedule and let them do their tricks.


On the other hand, cordless models tend to struggle with inconsistent uptime. Even when a manufacturer says that their unit’s battery will last for 70 minutes, they’ll also have a disclaimer that this number is contingent on the cleaning or power mode you are using, surface type, and volume of debris that’s being collected.


This concern is less prevalent with robot vacs, especially with expensive models that have more precise algorithms. Plus, a robot vacuum cleaner can always retreat to its docking station whenever the power is at a critical level.


Takes Extra Time and Effort to Clean

A cordless vacuum cleaner can operate faster, but only with someone’s presence for the duration of the cleaning job.


If manual cleaning isn’t something you can commit to for whatever reason, then you’re certainly not going to appreciate any traditional model, whether they’re cordless or not.


Upright cordless models offer a lot of convenience these days, but they are no robot cleaners. Although, if you really take pride in consistently doing the same job for your entire house, then you’ll be happy to know that cordless vacuums do own a flourishing market that rivals that of robot vacs.


Robot Vacuum White

Robot Vacuums

Robot vacuum cleaners highly appeal to tech enthusiasts and professionals on the go. After all, these devices typically only need smart mapping and a cleaning schedule input to get going. It can also navigate little human intervention owing to its advanced sensors and mapping technology like the Evovac Deebot T9+.


Generally, they perform just fine in most surfaces, including hardwood floors and tiles. The leading brands have even figured out ways to make their robot vacuum cleaner conquer high-pile carpets and other challenging floor arrangements.


Regular maintenance might also be less demanding since a robot vacuum cleaner is often self-sufficient. It’s common to see a unit that’s self-charging and self-cleaning.


In fact, you can even set up virtual walls to limit the saucer from going off course. And if that isn’t enough, you can always assume control using a smartphone app. If you’d like to be a little more creative, then you can set up your vacuum cleaner to perform its duty even when you’re not around.


It can be a lifestyle choice or an inspired purchase that improves the quality of life in new ways.


Robot Vacuum Black

Robot Vacuum Pros:

They Clean for You

Their main selling point are convenience and automation. By design, robot vacuums are meant to keep your premise clean with little to no physical activation from your end.


And it isn’t just vacuuming dust, pet hair, dirt, etc. A premium model can mop and even vacuum at the same time. And almost everything can be controlled through your mobile app. It’s a positive trend all things considered.



 We’ve already touched on this a lot, but it’s worth reiterating that convenience is a big factor in why you would want a robot vacuum cleaner at home.


Time is precious. So, any minute that you can save and reallocate to any number of tasks that are more urgent or personal is added value to robot vacuums. Ditto finding more time to rest!


If you’re buying a hybrid mop and vacuum, then that itself is an incredible upgrade for the price of one. Additionally, bots are by far quieter than their traditional counterparts. This might only be important in certain scenarios, but the difference is obvious enough that it’s worth pointing out.


Robot vacuum charging

Robot Vacuum Cons:

Robot Vacuums Can Get Stuck

Even the most expensive models can get trapped in a sea of debris. Fortunately, it’s not a deal-breaker since you can prevent this from happening by decluttering.


On the flip side, this also means that robot vacuums are not exactly 1-for-1 replacements for what we can do. When all is well, the device should allow us to focus and create space for more important things. But only if we can help it set itself up or lend a hand when it gets stuck.


Robot Vacuums Are Nearly Double the Price of Cordless Vacuums

Automated vacuums are expensive. It’s expected given the technology that comes with most units, but it is still quite a surprise if you’re shopping for this equipment for the first time.


The cost is certainly more prominent if you’re upgrading from a broom or a regular vacuum cleaner. This is why cordless vacuums are not going out of style anytime soon. It’s a reasonable upgrade in terms of features and pricing, and it isn’t without its own advantages against its automated counterparts.


They Don’t Clean as Well

Cordless vacuums are always the better choice for cleaning jobs that require higher intensity and sometimes, literally more suction power. The robot vacuum cleaners might be filled with features to the brim, but their compact frame means there’s only so much hardware that can fit in every unit.


It took some time before cordless vacuums were able to compete against the raw suction afforded by full or traditional vacuums. Although, it did manage to bridge the gap, eventually. Robot vacuums are yet to overcome this challenge versus cordless vacuums, but it’s not for lack of trying.


Is a Cordless Vacuum Better Than a Robot Vacuum?

Even after breaking down both pieces of equipment to the best of our ability, the answer remains largely dependent on your personal requirements. There is a lot to love about robot vacuums. It’s not just another future tech since it’s clear that it already established its own market. It’s promising, even.


If you don’t mind spending extra for some premium features, then a robot vacuum is a sound investment by all means. But if you want a more efficient and practical cleaning machine, then cordless vacuums are just as worthy of an upgrade.


Do Robot Vacuums Work as Good as Regular Vacuums?

A robot vac might not rival the suction strength that’s been a staple in regular vacuums, but they do make up for it in terms of technology and versatility. At this stage and perhaps even in the foreseeable future, it’s likely that robot cleaners and regular vacuums will keep their respective hold in the market.


After all, there is clearly room for both. One is constantly evolving to fit the mold of smart homes, while the other is poised to remain significant for its raw power and durability.


Can Robot Vacuums Replace Cordless Vacuums?

By all indications, it’s not necessary. Both of these vacuums can continue to evolve without taking the place of the other since there is an active demand for each one.


Your job now is to find find and commit to the features you think are of utmost importance. Do you need a vacuum that will automatically clean the floor or carpet for you, or do you prefer something that is a little more powerful and practical?


What is the Disadvantage of a Robot Vacuum?

Robot vacuums tend to have a hefty price tag and are occasionally hampered by their hardware limitations. But other than those two, there aren’t many obvious downsides!


Robot vacuum cleans floor

Robot Vacuums and Stick Vacuums Both Clean Well

If you love future tech and are eager to automate some of your cleaning duties, then you definitely would want to look at the robot vacuum market to find the matching equipment.


On the other hand, if you’re leaning toward improving your overall productivity without taking yourself away from the equation, then cordless vacuums might make for a more suitable cleaning solution. In addition, these units are also desirable for their accessibility since using them in different angles can help you reach places in and around furniture that a normal or even robot vacuum cleaner may struggle with.


Overall, you would want a vacuum cleaner that immediately addresses your needs at home and matches your lifestyle and priorities. If you haven’t done so, then a checklist is definitely a place to start! Finally, don’t forget to bookmark this blog post for reference and future updates.


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